Agreement Love Marriage

Agreement Love Marriage: A New Era in Relationships

Gone are the days when arranged marriages used to be the norm and love marriages were considered taboo. In recent times, the concept of agreement love marriage has emerged as a new trend in relationships. It`s a concept where both individuals involved in the relationship agree on getting married to each other out of love, mutual respect, and admiration, rather than conforming to societal norms.

Agreement love marriage is different from both traditional arranged marriage and the western concept of love marriage. In arranged marriages, the two individuals are brought together by their families, and at times, the couple barely knows each other before tying the knot. While in the western concept of love marriage, the couple falls in love and decides to get married, often without the approval of their families.

However, in agreement love marriage, the couple mutually decides to get married after they get to know each other better. They may have met through friends, at work, or through online dating and may have dated or been in a relationship for a while before they decide to get married. This way, they have a clear understanding of each other`s personalities, interests, and values, making it a more solid foundation for marriage.

The concept of agreement love marriage is particularly relevant in countries like India, where arranged marriages are still the norm. In such a society, where parental approval is essential, agreement love marriage provides an alternative approach that allows individuals to marry for love while also respecting their family`s expectations.

Agreement love marriage also puts an end to the stigma surrounding love marriages, which are often seen as a rebellion against traditional norms. Love marriages have been criticized for being selfish and focusing too much on personal gratification rather than family values and responsibilities. However, in agreement love marriage, the couple has the approval and support of their families, making it a more acceptable and responsible approach to marriage.

Moreover, agreement love marriage provides an opportunity for individuals to have a voice in their relationships, which is often missing in traditional arranged marriages. It allows them to choose their partners based on shared values, interests, and perspectives, which are crucial for building a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship.

In conclusion, agreement love marriage is a new trend in relationships that provides an alternative approach to traditional arranged marriages and western love marriages. It allows individuals to marry for love while respecting their family`s expectations and values. It also provides an opportunity for individuals to have a voice in their relationships and choose their partners based on shared values and perspectives. The concept of agreement love marriage is a positive step towards a more holistic and fulfilling approach to relationships and marriage.